专注于皮肤护理, 身体保健, 专业护发, 场外, 专业使用配方, our team of experts combine industry insight with cutting-edge research and development to create exceptional 配方s and uniquely positioned private label stock products that are ready to go-to-market.
在化妆品解决方案, 我们关注的是你们护肤品系列的成功, and we are committed to exceeding your expectations every step of the way. Here are just a few of the added-value services you can expect from our team of 品牌365安卓官方app下载:
- 快速产品周转时间
- 知识渊博的护肤专家
- 内部品牌和平面设计团队
- 消费者洞察和营销支持
- 现场包装展厅
- 免费产品支持信息 & 培训

纯原料. 证明了公式. For 30 years 美容解决方案 has been creating results-driven skincare products for private label. 在我们的库存产品库中有数千种配方, 我们的产品是经过多年研究而发展起来的, 专业知识, 测试和客户反馈.
当我们一起踏上这段旅程, we understand that the most important part of the private label process is ensuring that we understand you, 你的品牌和商业目标——本质上, 你的视力.我们训练有素的销售专家团队 品牌365安卓官方app下载 我们喜欢这样称呼他们——他们将与你们密切合作, 指导您完成自有品牌流程, 把你的想法变成现实. 结果是:完全实现的产品超出了预期.

On the cutting-edge of sustainable products and ingredients well before our time, 美容解决方案’ founders based their 配方s on three safe active ingredients – Hyaluronic Acid, 乙醇酸和角鲨烷. 通过广泛的研究和临床试验, the safety and efficacy of the products has been proven time and again – particularly in the rejuvenation and restoration of over-stressed and dehydrated skin.
我们大量的库存包装选择是无与伦比的. With stock packaging options that range from simple to extravagant, 不含双酚a的塑料到玻璃或铝, sample size to backbar – we have everything you need to define your brand’s look and feel. Your Brand Innovator will work with you to select the right product packaging based on ingredients, 配方, 一致性, branding and budget so you can get exactly what you want from this extensive variety of packaging options.